The Team

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GHI is managed and gets advice from a team of professionals, who also double as the Board of Governance for the organization.

Secretary to the Board_ Holds a Bsc. In Agricultural Engineering (University of Nairobi_ Kenya).
Advisory Committee_ Holds Bsc. In Science and MSc. In Energy Studies (University of Nairobi_ Kenya). Key skills in environmental issues, projects design and implementation.
Advisory Committee_ Holds a BSc. In Biomedical Science and a PHD student_ Walden University. Key expertise in Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Public Health programs; Clinical Trial Monitoring, Implementation and evaluation; and Epidemiological Research in communicable and non-communicable diseases.patrick
mauriceAdvisory Committee_ Holds a BSc. In Mechanical Engineering and MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Sweden). Key expertise in projects implementation, project finance design and environmental issues.
Advisory Committee_ BSc. Biomedical Sciences (United Kingdom).